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当前,学校忽视劳动教育,家长对孩子劳动教育的观念淡薄,社会对学生劳动教育的支持缺失,是普遍存在而又未引起人们重视的突出问题。为此,我校采取了一系列强化劳动教育的措施。一、强化热爱劳动的思想教育我们利用红领巾广播、板报校刊、集会、队会,向学生宣传中华五千年文明史,选辑播放《国宝 At present, the neglect of labor education by schools, the weak parents ’awareness of child labor education and the lack of social support for students’ labor education are the outstanding problems that are ubiquitous and have not drawn much attention. To this end, our school adopted a series of measures to strengthen labor education. First, to strengthen the ideological love of labor education We use the red scarf radio, board reported that school journals, rallies, team meetings, to promote Chinese civilization five thousand years of history, the selection of broadcast "National Treasure
一、线面平行之空间四边形    在线面平行与面面平行的问题中,我们常会见到的一类问题是空间四边形问题。空间四边形是立体几何中一个很重要的图形,我们先研究其平行性。