1992年以来的经济体制改革具有目标明确 ,整体、稳步、持续不断地推进和灵活应变三大特点。 1 992年以后 ,中国改革取得了惊人的成就 ,充分说明了邓小平理论是中国人民在新的历史时期从胜利走向胜利的伟大旗帜 ,特别是这一理论创造性地提出社会主义可以搞市场经济 ,从而开创了社会主义现代化建设的崭新局面 ;充分说明了党的第三代领导集体坚持和发展了邓小平理论 ,创造性地开展工作 ,使改革开放和现代化建设上了一个新的台阶 ,用事实证明了邓小平关于社会主义可以搞市场经济伟大设想的科学真理性。
Since 1992, the reform of the economic structure has three major characteristics: clear objectives, overall stability, continuous improvement and flexibility. After 1992, the remarkable achievements of China’s reform have fully demonstrated that Deng Xiaoping Theory is a great banner for the Chinese people to win from victory to victory in the new historical period. In particular, this theory creatively suggests that socialism can make a market economy and therefore It has fully demonstrated that the third generation of the Party’s collective leadership has adhered to and developed Deng Xiaoping Theory, carried out the work creatively, and brought the reform, opening up and modernization to a new level. Facts have proved that Deng Xiaoping Scientific truth about the great assumption that socialism can carry out the market economy.