以淀粉和乙烯-醋酸乙烯酯(EVA)为原料制备生物质发泡材料的过程中,工艺参数对复合发泡材料的生产制备有着很大的影响。研究了在制备淀粉/EVA复合发泡材料过程中螺杆转速对塑化形态的影响,喂料速度对制备过程的影响,模口温度对泡孔大小的影响和原料含水率对材料膨胀率的影响。研究发现:螺杆转速设置为120 r/min时,淀粉/EVA复合材料挤出物塑化效果最优;适当的喂料速度,可避免“架桥”“堵塞”现象;模口温度设置为160℃时,可配合发泡剂达到充分分解,使泡孔最大化;当原料含水率为14%时,复合发泡材料的膨胀率达最大值,为14.4%。
In the process of preparing biomass foaming material by using starch and ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) as raw materials, the process parameters have a great influence on the production and preparation of the composite foaming material. The effects of screw rotation speed on the plasticization morphology, the influence of feeding speed on the preparation process, the influence of die temperature on the cell size and the moisture content of raw materials on the material expansion were studied in the process of preparing starch / EVA composite foaming materials . The results show that starch / EVA composite extrudate has the best plasticizing effect when the screw speed is set to 120 r / min; the proper feeding speed can avoid the phenomenon of “bridging” and “jamming” When the temperature is set to 160 ℃, the foaming agent can be fully decomposed with the foaming agent to maximize the cell size. When the moisture content of the raw material is 14%, the expansion rate of the composite foamed material is 14.4%.