天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。当你拥有健康的体魄和固定的收入时,你也许会高枕无忧。可一旦遭到生老病死、意外伤害以及疾病的侵袭时,你是否会觉得仅凭自己的力量有点势单力薄呢?其实,你若有保险做后盾,情况可就完全不同了。 1995年10月1日,《中华人民共和国保险法》正式实施。它的实施,与我们的生活有着密切联系,并将给我们带来意想不到的收获。本刊开辟这个栏目,旨在让广大读者了解保险。如果你想了解更详尽的内容,请直接到当地保险部门咨询,他们会给你一个满意的答复。 “天有不测风云,我有人民保险。”朋友,如果你参加了保险,在遇到意外事故时,你肯定会这样自豪地说。不信?试试看!
Unexpected situation, people have good and bad fortune. When you have a healthy body and a fixed income, you may sit back and relax. However, once you have been suffering from old age and death, accidental injury and disease attack, will you feel that you are only using your own strength a bit weak? In fact, if you have the insurance backing, the situation can be completely different. On October 1, 1995, the “Insurance Law of the People’s Republic of China” came into effect. Its implementation is closely linked with our life and will bring unexpected results to us. Articles opened this section, designed to let readers understand the insurance. If you want to know more details, please go directly to the local insurance department consultation, they will give you a satisfactory answer. “There are unpredictable events and I have people’s insurance.” Friends, if you took part in insurance, you would certainly say so proudly in the event of an accident. Do not believe? Try it!