亚历克斯·弗格森爵士(Sir Alex Ferguson,中国球迷称为弗爵爷)被认为是史上最伟大的教练。在2013年5月退休之前,他执掌曼联长达26年,在此期间,曼联赢得了13次英超冠军,跻身体育界最成功、最有价值的品牌之列。曼联前任CEO大卫·吉尔(David Gill)说过,“弗格森之于曼联,就如乔布斯之于苹果”。
Sir Alex Ferguson (Chinese fans called Sir Alex Ferguson) is considered the greatest coach in history. Prior to his retirement in May 2013, he spent 26 years in charge of Manchester United, during which time Manchester United won 13 Premiership titles among the most successful and valuable sports brands. Manchester United’s former CEO David Gill said, “Ferguson is at Manchester United, just as Steve Jobs is at Apple.”