近些年来 ,随着国民经济和社会事业的高速发展 ,商业建筑、娱乐场所、高层建筑不断增加 ,普通百姓随着生活水平的逐渐提高 ,追求高品位 ,趋同现代化也成为时尚 ,装饰装修成了热门。新变化带来了新问题 ,生活的教训 ,国家规范的制约 ,人们消防意识的不断增强 ,建 (构 )筑物中安
In recent years, along with the rapid development of the national economy and social undertakings, the commercial buildings, entertainment venues and high-rise buildings have been increasing constantly. With the gradual improvement of living standards, the common people have become fashionable in the pursuit of high quality and convergence and modernization, and the decoration has become Popular. New changes have brought new problems, lessons of life, the constraints of national norms, people’s awareness of fire continues to increase, building (structure) building security