改革开放十三年来,广州市在稳定发展第一产业,优化提高第二产业的同时,重点加快了第三产业的发展步伐,使全市经济逐步向着结构合理化、产业高度化的方向演进。第一、二、三产业的比例由1987年的11.7:58 6:29.7演变为1991年的7.3:46.5:46.2。产业结构的优化和升级,不仅促进了经济运行的良性循环和社会生产力的发展,推进了市场的发育成长。而且大大提高了广州作为中心城市的辐射、服务功能作用。1991年广州市国内生产总值达386.67亿元,比1978年增长3.
In the thirteen years of reform and opening up, while steadily developing the primary industry and optimizing the secondary industry, Guangzhou City has accelerated its pace of development in the tertiary industry so that the economy of the whole city will gradually evolve towards structural rationalization and industrial upgrading. The proportion of primary, secondary and tertiary industries has evolved from 11.7: 58 6: 29.7 in 1987 to 7.3: 46.5: 46.2 in 1991. The optimization and upgrading of industrial structure not only promoted the virtuous circle of economic operation and the development of social productive forces, but also promoted the development and growth of the market. But also greatly enhances Guangzhou’s radiation and service functions as a central city. In 1991, Guangzhou’s GDP reached 38.667 billion yuan, an increase of 3 over 1978.