张宁生教授,主任医师,中医药研究协会研究生导师,中华医学会会员, 全国医疗先进工作者,国务院特殊专家津贴和五一劳动奖章获得者。她在我国中医药治疗湿疹皮炎领域享有崇高的声望,很多医疗同行对她肃然起敬,无数个被她诊治的患者对她更是深受有加。固本培元造就辉煌作为我国著名的皮肤病专家,在四十余年的刻苦钻研和临床实践中,张宁生教授先后参与编著医书医典3部,在
Professor Zhang Ningsheng, chief physician, Institute of Chinese Medicine Research Master Instructor, Chinese Medical Association, the advanced medical workers, the State Council special special allowance and the May 1 Medal of Labor Medal. She enjoys a high reputation in the field of traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of eczema and dermatitis. Many medical colleagues awe respect her. Countless patients who have been diagnosed and treated by her are even more accorded her. Guben Pei Yuan create brilliance As a famous dermatology expert in China, in more than forty years of painstaking research and clinical practice, Professor Zhang Ningsheng has participated in the compilation of medical books 3, in