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英国后现代主义的主流诗歌颠覆了传统诗歌的形式和语言,并把技巧作为向所谓的技巧拥有者发动攻击的工具。真正的后现代主义诗歌或其他文学作品十分重视意义和身份的不确定性,并游戏般地加以利用。英国后现代主义诗人诺尔曼·迈克凯哥正是英国后现代主义运动的杰出代表,他对苏格兰诗歌最大的贡献在于他对传统诗歌的大胆革新,自我与他者的关系主题是诗人的最大发现。如果说对形式的兴趣,以及对诗歌如何传达内容和传达什么内容的兴趣属于现代主义的特征的话,那么对诗歌传统形式和程式化的关注则更多地意味着诗人迈克凯哥的反现代主义的态度。 Mainstream poetry in British postmodernism subverts the form and language of traditional poetry and uses the skill as a tool to launch attacks on so-called trick owners. Real postmodern poetry or other literary works place great importance on the uncertainty of meaning and identity and are used in a game-like manner. British postmodernist Norman McKay is an outstanding representative of the British postmodernist movement. His greatest contribution to Scottish poetry lies in his bold innovation of traditional poetry. The theme of his relationship with the other is the greatest discovery of the poet . If the interest in forms, and the interest in the content of poetry and the content of what is conveyed, is characteristic of modernism, the focus on the traditional and stylistic aspects of poetry more implies anti-modernism by the poet, Attitude.
福建农林大学作物遗传育种研究所辐射诱变龙特浦B获得wx糯性突变,进而育成糯不育系cms-龙特浦wxA(野败胞质不育);又在该不育系群体中发现无花粉型核不育(ms)植株。本文以同时带有cms、ms和wx的不育株,即cms-龙特浦wxA~(ms)为材料,观察ms、cms及wx的遗传联系并对ms基因进行染色体定位。研究结果如下: (1) 遗传分析表明,无花粉型雄性不育受一对隐性核基因(msms)控
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本研究对盾叶薯蓣有性繁殖和无性繁殖两种方式的种子发芽特性、开花习性及生长发育等生物学特性进行了观察,并对有性繁殖与无性繁殖植株的根茎产量和皂素含量作了比较,获得以下主要结果: ① 盾叶薯蓣有性繁殖种子发芽率低于无性繁殖,其中以在培养皿中的发芽率最高,秧盘播种的发芽率次之,地播最差,且最适的播种时期为3月中旬。 ② 一年生有性繁殖植株瘦小,无生殖生长过程,生育期比无性繁殖植株长近一个月,
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In this paper, we proposed a scheme based on Monte Carlo algorithm to test whether or not the nodes are redundant for realizing the node density control in the