身着深色西装,系一枚蓝地红花的飞 龙领结-2005年3月12日晚8点30分, 香港特别行政区政务司司长曾荫权在香港 政府总部记者室,宣布接棒董建华,出任代 理特首。 这个曾在年初表示,将于2007年告老 归田的香港政务司司长,在60岁这一年,迎 来了政治权力的又一个高峰。 当记者问他是否坚持2007年告老还乡
Dressed in a dark suit and a blue tiered dragon tie - On the evening of March 12, 2005, at 8:30 p.m., the Chief Secretary for Administration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Donald Tsang, announced in a press room at Hong Kong’s government headquarters that it will take over Tung Chee Hwa. Acting Chief Executive. The Hong Kong Chief Secretary for Administration, who said at the beginning of the year that he will return to the community in 2007, ushers in another peak of political power at the age of 60. When a reporter asked him if he insisted on returning home in 2007