’97 PC产品预测

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在问一声“新年好!”之后,能对全球1997年PC及其相关产品发展方向作一次定性预测,是我们献给读者的见面“礼”。从理论上来说,1997年仍然是以“网络为中心的计算时代”概念,推动信息产业向世界第一大产业冲刺的一年。具体产品表现如下: PC硬件降价会继续 1997年PC整机硬件产品会继续降价。原因大致有三:虽然NC概念已普遍被接受,但在1997年也不会形成市场规模,其每台500美元的构想已迫使PC降价来应对;Pentium系列将逐步被Pentium Pro取代,其价格会不断下降;MMX多 After we ask “Happy New Year!”, We can make a qualitative forecast of the global development direction of PC and related products in 1997. This is our “gift” to our readers. In theory, in 1997, the concept of “network-centric computing era” was still the year that the information industry drove the world’s largest industry. Specific product performance is as follows: PC hardware prices will continue PC hardware products in 1997 will continue to cut prices. There are three reasons for this: While the NC concept has generally been accepted, there is no market size in 1997, with a $ 500 per unit that has forced PC prices to cope with it; the Pentium series will be replaced by the Pentium Pro, and its price will continue Fall; MMX more
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