白鱼是云南特有的名贵经济鱼类 ,正面临濒危。白鱼的人工采卵孵化和苗种培育 ,具有十分重要的意义。它不仅是人工增殖技术和种群恢复研究的重要环节 ,而且是对其进行人工驯养繁殖研究的基础。杂食性鱼类在稚鱼的生长发育过程中 ,都存在着食性转化现象 ,白鱼亦不例
white fish is a unique economic fish unique to Yunnan, is facing endangerment. white fish artificial egg hatching and seedling cultivation, has very important significance. It is not only an important part of the research on artificial propagation and population restoration, but also the basis for its research on artificial domestication and reproduction. Omnivorous fish in the process of growth and development of juveniles, there is the phenomenon of food conversion, not the case