信息化正快速地改变着我们的生活。当我们享受信息化带来的便利和愉悦的同时,也受其“双刃剑”的负面影响。信息泛滥、信息污染、信息泄露等现象接踵而来。如不会“挑三拣四”,这种负面影响也会悄然进入军营。如何挑出有用的、有益的信息,为我们的工作和学习服务呢? 一是挑选符合时代主旋律,能够引导官兵树立崇高理想的信息。引导官兵自觉接受健康向上的信息,培养广大官兵具有崇高
Informatization is rapidly changing our lives. When we enjoy the convenience and pleasure brought by informationization, we also suffer the negative influence of its double-edged sword. Information flooding, information pollution, information leakage and so on one after another. If not “pick and choose four”, this negative impact will quietly enter the barracks. How to pick out useful and useful information for our work and study? First, we should select information that meets the main theme of the times and guides officers and soldiers to establish lofty ideals. Guide officers and soldiers to conscientiously accept the message of healthy development and cultivate the lofty ranks of officers and soldiers