一、果树根腐病的种类及特点 1、圆斑根腐病。由镰刀寄生菌所引起,主要有腐皮镰包菌、尖镰包菌和弯角镰包菌在果树根系衰弱时寄生造成的。病株地下部分发病是先从须根开始,病根变褐枯死,围绕须根基部形成红褐色圆斑,病斑扩大互相连接,深入木质部,使整段根变黑死亡。病株地上部分表现为叶小色黄,从叶片边缘开始枯焦,新梢抽生困难,有的树叶片呈枯萎青干状,严重时老叶片脱落,当根部腐烂严重时,地上部骨干枝发生坏死,病树慢慢死去。干旱缺肥、土壤板结、结果过量、大小年现象严重以及管理粗放等导致果树根部衰弱的原因,都是诱发病害的重要条件。
First, the types and characteristics of fruit tree root rot 1, root rot rot. Caused by the parasitic disease sickle, there are mainly Fusarium spp, Fusarium spp., And Coriolus angustifolia in the fruit tree root system caused by parasitism. Pathogenesis of the underground part of the disease is the first from the fibrous roots, the diseased roots brown dead, around the fibrous roots formed a red-brown round spots, lesion enlargement and interconnection, deep into the xylem, the entire root black death. On the ground part of the diseased plants showed small yellowish-green leaves, which began to be scorched from the edge of the leaves. It was difficult for new shoots to draw water, and some of the leaves were withered and dry. When the roots were severely rotted, Necrosis, sick tree slowly die. Drought and lack of fertility, soil compaction, the results of overdose, the seriousness of the size of the annual and the management of extensive causes leading to the root causes of fruit trees are all important conditions for disease induced.