周恩来运筹帷幄近战歼敌 60年代初,台湾国民党当局派遣小股武装匪特窜犯大陆,遭到我沿海军民的沉重打击后,为继续配合以美国为首的国际反华势力对中国的封锁和干涉,呼应美国在越南的武装侵略,于是变换手法,派遣战斗舰艇,对我东南沿海进行骚扰,策反我海上渔民,破坏我渔业生产,并借机搜集大陆的军事、政治和经济情报。1965年11月14日,海军东海舰队舰艇部队在周恩来总理的亲自指挥下,在福建崇武以东海域,一举击沉台湾国民党海军大型护航炮舰“永昌号”,击伤大型猎潜舰“永泰号”,取得了以小艇打大舰的重大胜利。
In the early 1960s, the Taiwan authorities of the Kuomintang dispatched small units of armed felonies to the mainland and were severely attacked by the coastal armed forces and the people. In response to the blockade and interference by China in the international anti-China forces led by the United States, The United States armed aggression in Vietnam changed its tactics, dispatched combat ships, harass me along the southeast coast, counter me to seafaring fishermen, undermined my fishing industry and took the opportunity to collect mainland military, political and economic intelligence. On November 14, 1965, under the direct command of Premier Zhou Enlai, the navy’s forces in the East China Sea Fleet sank the “Yongchang” large-scale escort gunboat of the Taiwan Kuomintang in the waters east of Chongwu, wrecking a large-scale submarine hunting ship “Yongtai No. ”, made a major victory in the dinghy fight.