
来源 :现代中国文化与文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ergezhi
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中国现代文学史编撰的话语系统是一个关涉本学科历史发展与当下建设的重要问题。如果我们将“话语”理解为用语词表达的具有特定知识价值和历史实践功能的思想客体(如哲学话语、文学话语、历史话语、政治话语、宗教话语、道德话语等等),那么,从这个意义上讲,话语就是知识,因为知识都是认识主体思维的产物与结果,而话语就是思维的现实。关注话语问题,也就是关注知识学的问题,运用什么样的话语系统来编写中国现代文学史涉及的也就是运用什么样 The discourse system compiled by the history of Chinese modern literature is an important issue concerning the historical development and current construction of this discipline. If we interpret “discourse ” as a philosophical object (such as philosophical discourse, literary discourse, historical discourse, political discourse, religious discourse, moral discourse, etc.) with specific knowledge value and historical practice function expressed in words, In this sense, discourse is knowledge, because knowledge is the product and result of knowing the subject’s thinking, and discourse is the reality of thinking. Focus on the issue of discourse, that is, the problem of knowledge of knowledge, the use of what kind of discourse system to write the history of modern Chinese literature is what is involved
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