【摘 要】
《文史天地》编辑部: 您好! 我是一名企业的员工,非常喜欢历史,第一次接触贵刊,但也将是贵刊的忠 实读者,我个人觉得贵刊内容非常精采,时间跨度很大,内容很丰富、可读性、知
【机 构】
《文史天地》编辑部: 您好! 我是一名企业的员工,非常喜欢历史,第一次接触贵刊,但也将是贵刊的忠 实读者,我个人觉得贵刊内容非常精采,时间跨度很大,内容很丰富、可读性、知 识性、趣味性都很强,贵刊的每一篇文章我都仔细看过,觉得受益菲浅。本着学习 的目的,向贵刊提出几点意见仅供参考,不当之处,请批评指正,以利本人不断的 充实历史知识,提高自身文学素养,将不胜感激之至。
“Culture and World” Editorial Department: Hello! I am an employee of a business, I really like history, my first contact with your magazine, but it will also be a loyal reader of your magazine. I personally think your magazine content is very splendid, with a long time span, rich content and readability , Knowledgeable and interesting are very strong, I have carefully read every article in your publication, I feel the benefit of the Philippines shallow. In the light of the purpose of study, I would like to express my gratitude for your comments on this article for reference only and for inappropriate reasons. Please criticize and correct me so that I will continue to enrich historical knowledge and improve my literary accomplishments.
陕政发[2006]40号各设区市人民政府,省人民政府各工作部门,各直属机构: 现将《陕西省“十一五”科学和技术发展规划(2006-20lO年)》(简称《规划》)印发给你们,请结合本地、本
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