Semi-skeletonized Internal Mammary Grafts and Phrenic Nerve Injury: Cause-and-effect analysis

来源 :华中科技大学学报(医学英德文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hu549881262
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Phrenic nerve injury after cardiac surgery increases postoperative pulmonary complications. The purpose of this study was to analyze the causes and effects of phrenic nerve injury after cardiac surgery. Prospectively collected data on 2084 consecutive patients who underwent cardiac surgery from Jan. 1995 to Feb. 2002 were analyzed. Twenty-eight preoperative and operation related variables were subjected to logistic analysis with the end point being phrenic nerve injury. Then phrenic nerve injury and 6 perioperative morbidities were included in the analysis as variables to determine their independent predictive value for perioperative pulmonary morbidity. An identical approach was used to identify the independent risk factors for perioperative mortality. There were 53 phrenic nerve injuries (2.5 %). There was no phrenic nerve injury in non-coronary surgery or coronary surgery using conduits other than the internal mammary artery. The independent risk factors for phrenic nerve injury were the use of internal mammary artery (Odds ratio (OR)=14.5) and the presence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (OR=2.9). Phrenic nerve injury was an independent risk factor (OR=8.1) for perioperative pulmonary morbidities but not for perioperative mortality. Use of semi-skeletonized internal mammary artery harvesting technique and drawing attention to possible vascular or mechanical causes of phrenic nerve injury may reduce its occurrence. Unilateral phrenic nerve injury, although rarely life-threatening, is an independent risk factor for postoperative respiratory complications. When harvesting internal mammary arteries, it should be kept in mind avoiding stretching, compromising, or inadvertently dissecting phrenic nerve is as important as avoiding damage of internal mammary artery itself.
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