国外核电发展的主要经验和教训 1、发展核电是解决能源供应的有 效途径 核电是一种有争议的能源。自1954 年前苏联第1座核电厂奥勃宁斯克核电 厂投运以来,截止到2005年7月,全世 界运行中的核电机组440台,装机容量 36768.4万千瓦,2004年核发电量占世 界发电量的16%。全世界的核电站已运 行13000多堆年,核电与水电、火电一 起成为世界电源的三大支柱。核电开发 运行的实践证明,核能是一种安全、清 洁、可靠的能源,其对于减少温室气体排
The main experience and lessons learned from the development of foreign nuclear power 1, the development of nuclear power is an effective way to solve the energy supply Nuclear power is a controversial energy. Since the first Soviet nuclear power plant in 2008, the Oubinnsk nuclear power plant put into operation, as of July 2005, the world’s operating nuclear power plant 440 units, installed capacity of 367.784 million kilowatts, in 2004 nuclear power generation accounted for 16% of the world’s electricity generation. Nuclear power plants in the world have been operating for more than 13,000 reactor-years. Nuclear power, together with hydropower and thermal power, have become the three pillars of the world’s power supply. The practice of nuclear power development and operation has proved that nuclear energy is a safe, clean and reliable energy source, which is of great importance for reducing greenhouse gas emissions