有史以來第一次,英國有了一個絕對大多數所支持的‘社會主義’政府,——下議院中六百四十席,有三百九十三席投票贊成它。 這不同於單純的鐘擺的擺動,下一次就會轉變到另一個方向去;這次工黨的勝利,正顯示著過去半世紀中刻苦工作和耐心宣傳所漸漸發展起來的一個過程的頂點。這不是全靠工人階級的投票而成立的。在投上黨票的近一千二百萬人中,登記過的工會會員,祗有八百萬人不到。
For the first time in history, the United Kingdom has a ’socialist’ government that is supported by an absolute majority, with 640 seats in the House of Commons and 393 seats in favor of it. This is not the same as the simple swing of a pendulum, but the next time it moves to another direction; the victory of the Labor Party is showing the culmination of a process that has gradually developed in the hard work and patient propaganda of the past half century. This is not based on the working class vote alone. Among the nearly 12 million people who voted for the party ticket, only 8 million registered union members are missing.