福建省地方志编纂委员会在省政府各有关部门的大力支持下 ,已于国庆 5 0周年前夕完成信息检索系统软件的开发工作。由该软件系统支持的福建省情资料库 (地方志之窗 )(http ://www .fjsq .gov .cn)已于今年“五·一”节前开通网上运行。用户可直接进行地方志、
Fujian Provincial Local Records Compilation Committee, with the vigorous support of all the relevant government departments of the provincial government, completed the development of information retrieval system software on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the National Day. The Fujian Provincial Sentry Database (Local Records Window) (http://www.fjsq.gov.cn), which is supported by the software system, was launched online before the May 1 this year. Users can direct local history,