对于综合考虑各种因素所设计的某型旋转燃烧室的机械密封 ,从理论上运用有限元方法对其主要部件进行了受力及变形分析计算 ,在此基础上初步确定其密封结构。然后通过试验研究方法进一步确定其结构 ,使其更适于工程应用。大大缩短了研制周期、节省了实验费用。结果表明该方法简捷有效且具有很高的实用价值。
For the mechanical seal of a rotary combustor which is designed by all kinds of factors, the main components of the mechanical seal are theoretically analyzed and calculated by finite element method. On the basis of this, the seal structure is preliminarily determined. Then the structure of the structure is further confirmed by experimental research to make it more suitable for engineering application. Greatly shorten the development cycle, saving experimental costs. The results show that the method is simple and effective and has high practical value.