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在我国经济水平快速发展的阶段,建筑行业也呈现出蓬勃发展的状态,同时在这种情况下,人们对于建筑施工质量的要求也在不断提高。因此,在我国的建筑行业之中,想要保证其质量,还需要在基本建筑材料的质量开始重点关注,这样才能够保证最后施工结束之后质量有所保证。在建筑行业中,混凝土是非常重要的一种材料,并且随着建筑行业的快速发展,混凝土被很多施工单位,以及房屋建筑的工程使用,同时予以重视。在房屋建设中混凝土的使用能够良好的节约工程造价,并且讲题房建工程的成本,同时也能够加强房建工程的整体结构和外形的美观效果。但是在房建中使用混凝土,还存在着一定的问题,下面本文就混凝土在房建工程施工中的质量控制情况进行分析,以期能够促进我国建筑施工工程的快速发展,同时促进我国经济进步。 In the stage of rapid economic development in our country, the construction industry has also shown a thriving state. At the same time, people’s requirements for the quality of construction are also on the rise. Therefore, in the construction industry in our country, if we want to ensure its quality, we must also start to focus on the quality of the basic building materials so as to ensure the quality after the completion of the final construction. In the construction industry, concrete is a very important material, and with the rapid development of the construction industry, concrete is used by many construction units and housing construction projects, with emphasis placed on it. The use of concrete in house construction can save the project cost well, and talk about the cost of housing construction projects, and at the same time it can also enhance the aesthetic appearance of the overall structure and appearance of the housing project. However, there are still some problems in the use of concrete in building construction. The following article analyzes the quality control of concrete in the construction of housing construction, with a view to promoting the rapid development of construction projects in China and promoting China’s economic progress.
近些年,电动压缩机在国内的发展速度很快。本研究在一款新开发的卡车系统上,进行了摇盘式138 mL/r排量的定排量压缩机和40mL/r排量的涡旋式电动压缩机的系统对比试验。