郭××住院号291369 女31岁,河北涿县人,农民,孕30周,2个月来心跳气短,下腹坠痛6小时,伴少量阴道流血,于1984年8月1日,因妊娠临产急诊入院。患者5年来患有心脏病,尚能劳动,1年来音哑,此次妊娠后尚可操持家务,但于妊娠2月时,在家务劳动后感心跳气短,体力不支,就医阜外医院,诊断为风湿性心脏病,心功能代偿不全,当时服用强心药(地高辛),至今
Guo XX hospitalization 291369 Female 31 years old, Hebei Lixian people, peasants, 30 weeks pregnant, 2 months to shortness of breath, lower abdomen pain for 6 hours, with a small amount of vaginal bleeding, on August 1, 1984, due to pregnancy delivery Emergency admission. Patient 5 years suffering from heart disease, still able to work, 1 years of dumb, after the pregnancy can still perform housework, but in February of pregnancy, after a chore, shortness of breath, fatigue, medical Fuwai Hospital, diagnosis For rheumatic heart disease, cardiac insufficiency, then taking cardiac drugs (digoxin), since