武訓和電影“武训傳”的討論已經展开將近一个月了。我們教育工作者從這個討論里應该学習到些什么呢? 我認為我們從批判與揭露“武訓精神”的反动的毒素中,應該着重批判與揭露资產階級反動的改良主義的教育思想,以端正並鞏固新民主主義的教育思想。 過去,會有些擁有資產階級改良主义思想的人,高唱“教育救國”论。他們認為用不着觸動半封建半殖民地社會的經濟基礎,只要搞“普及教育”就可以把人們由這個社会制度所產生的一切罪恶中解放出來,並創造出一個“獨立
The discussion of Wu Xun and the film “Wu Xun Biography” has been going on for nearly a month. What do we educators should learn from this discussion? I think that we should critically criticize and expose the bourgeois reactionary reformist educational thinking from criticizing and exposing the reactionary poison of “the spirit of Wu Kui” Correct and consolidate the new democratic educational thinking. In the past, some people with the ideas of bourgeois reformism will sing the theory of “saving the nation by education.” They think that they need not touch the economic foundation of the semi-feudal semi-colonial society and simply engage in “universal education” can liberate people from all the evils of the social system and create an "independent