现代制造业企业是一个复杂的组织系统。企业运作情况复杂 ,客观上需要一个方便、高效的信息平台支撑整个组织的有效运作。传统的计算机信息平台往往只适合进行一些固定的、程序化的事务处理工作 ,无法实时灵活地在企业活动的整个大环境中实现综合性的信息共享、消息传递、交互讨论、信息发布等工作 ,无法方便地做到无缝链接其它平台 ,无法与企业的合作伙伴方便地沟通、满足企业在多变的市场环境中形成快速反应能力和涉足电子商务的迫切需求。基于 Intranet技术的企业信息集成系统适应了这种需求 ,广西柳工机械股分有限公司信息共享平台是这种信息集成系统的一个实例。
Modern manufacturing enterprises is a complex organizational system. The complexity of the operation of the enterprise objectively requires a convenient and efficient information platform to support the effective operation of the entire organization. Traditional computer information platform is often only suitable for some fixed, programmatic transaction processing, real-time flexibility in the enterprise environment can not be achieved in a comprehensive information sharing, messaging, interactive discussion, information dissemination and other work, It is not easy to seamlessly link to other platforms and can not easily communicate with the business partners to meet the urgent needs of the enterprises in a changing market environment to form a rapid response capability and get involved in e-commerce. Enterprise information integration system based on Intranet technology to meet this demand, Guangxi Liugong Machinery Co., Ltd. information sharing platform is an example of such an information integration system.