西出古城徐州,在徐连国道和徐贾公路的交汇处,有一处井架高耸、楼房林立、绿树成荫的地方,这就是连云港市煤炭工业基地——白集煤矿。 公元1970年,从黄海之滨的云台山下走来一批为家乡建设挖掘鸟金的创业者。26年的开拓、拚搏、奉献、追求,一个拥有亿元家产的新型矿井在这里出现了,成为江苏省经济效益最好的地方国营骨干矿井,成为百里煤田中一颗璀灿的明珠。特别是近几年企业摆脱了计划经济的束缚,勇敢地冲击封闭
Xizhou city Xuzhou, at the junction of Xu Lianguo Road and Xujia Road, there is a tall derrick, buildings, trees, shaded place, which is Lianyungang City Coal Industry Base - Baiji Coal Mine. In 1970, a group of entrepreneurs excavating bird gold for their hometowns came from under the Yuntai Mountain on the shores of the Yellow Sea. In 26 years of exploration, hard work, dedication, and pursuit, a new type of mine with a property value of 100 million yuan has appeared here. It has become the most economically beneficial state-owned state-owned mine in Jiangsu Province and has become a brilliant pearl in the Baili Coalfield. In particular, in recent years, enterprises have shaken off the shackles of the planned economy and braved the impact of closure.