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The dynamic multichannel binocular visual image modeling is studied based on Internet of Things (IoT) Perception Layer, using mobile robot self-organizing network. By employing multigroup mobile robots with binocular visual system, the real visual images of the object will be obtained. Then through the mobile self-organizing network, a three-dimensional model is rebuilt by synthesizing the returned images. On this basis, we formalize a novel algorithm for multichannel binocular visual three-dimensional images based on fast three-dimensional modeling. Compared with the method based on single binocular visual system, the new algorithm can improve the Integrity and accuracy of the dynamic three-dimensional object modeling. The simulation results show that the new method can effectively accelerate the modeling speed, improve the similarity and not increase the data size. The dynamic multichannel binocular visual image modeling is studied based on Internet of Things (IoT) Perception Layer, using mobile robot self-organizing network. By employing multigroup mobile robots with binocular visual system, the real visual images of the object will be obtained. Then through the mobile self-organizing network, a three-dimensional model is rebuilt by synthesizing the returned images. On this basis, we formalize a novel algorithm for multichannel binocular visual three-dimensional images based on fast three-dimensional modeling. based on single binocular visual system, the new algorithm can improve the Integrity and accuracy of the dynamic three-dimensional object modeling. The simulation results show that the new method can effectively accelerate the modeling speed, improve the similarity and not increase the data size.
生物素(vitamin H)是动物机体维持正常生理机能所必需的B族维生素之一,在畜牧业、食品及医药等领域应用广泛。我国所用的生物素大部分从美国、日本等国家进口,价格昂贵。因此
摘 要: 近年来,随着高职院校办学规模的不断扩大,教育资金投入的不断增多,基建规模和物资采购量的不断增长,高职院校参与经济活动越来越频繁,使反腐败工作面临严峻的考验,对党风廉政建设提出了更高的要求。针对目前面临的紧迫形势,作者从高职院校存在的腐败现象、危害、原因等方面入手,进行了深入的研究和剖析,经认真分析和理性思考,提出了高职院校反腐倡廉的主要途径和有效对策。  关键词: 高职院校 反腐倡廉建设
第一次意识到“老师亦凡人”的时候,我才上中学。  学校里来了一位刚毕业的地理老师,他年轻,朝气蓬勃;他俊美,笑起来的时候像拨云见日;他热心于专业,自费订阅国外的地理杂志—在20世纪80年代,这简直是惊人的行为;他全身心扑在教学上,每一节课都像脱口秀,他又唱又跳又演示又讲解,恨不得把地理知识全刻进我们脑子里。  這简直是《放牛班的春天》里才可能出现的热血老师,带动着一群疲于应付学业的学生,走向新世界
正确的理论和路线、方针、政策形成、制定以后,要把它们化为生动的社会实践,关键环节就在落实。如果只说不做,再好的价值体系,也不过是空 The correct theory, lines, guide
《阅读奥林匹克: 人物卷 (上)》 (彩图版)百年奥运是和平的战场,成就了无数英雄的梦想,每一块奖牌的背后都有一段故事:有的催人泪下,有的令人捧腹,有的一波三折,有的柳暗花明
本报讯11月4日~8日,第16届中国国际工业博览会(简称“工博会”)在上海新国际博览中心举行。作为天然气重卡领导者的陕汽重卡携新型智能环保渣土车、德龙F3000天然气LNG 6×4
博客一词的创始人是方兴东先生,  博客是blog的谐音,  有人谐趣:博客,是不是博士客人?  许多老师都有博客。  ……  博客是指以网上日记为表达方式,把个人一天所见所闻、所思所想的东西随意地发表出来,与他人分享、交流。内容就是一个个倒序排列的日记体帖子,频繁更新并充分利用超链接。  博客是继Email、BBS、ICQ之后出现的第四种网络交流方式;博客是网络时代的个人“读者文摘”。  赶快告诉