各位代表、同志们 :第六次会员代表大会至今已 5个年头。在世纪之交的不平凡的 5年中 ,江西省金属学会第六届理事会在江西省冶金工业总公司党委直接领导和江西省科协的具体指导下 ,高举邓小平理论的伟大旗帜 ,团结和组织广大科技工作者积极适应改革开放的客观形势 ,在生产建设
Dear Delegates, Comrades: It has been five years since the Sixth Member Congress. In the unusual five years of the turn of the century, under the direct guidance of the party committee of Jiangxi Provincial Metallurgical Industry Corporation and the specific guidance of the Association for Science and Technology of Jiangxi Province, the 6th council of the Society of Metallurgy of Jiangxi Province held aloft the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, The majority of science and technology workers are organized to actively adapt to the objective situation of reform and opening up in the course of production and construction