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随着医院的发展,各个部门对科技档案信息资源的需求日益增大,医院科技档案管理应向着规范化管理的轨道健康发展。本文从实际工作出发,探讨医院科技档案管理方法及发展思路。 With the development of the hospital, the demand for scientific and technological archives and information resources of various departments is increasing day by day. The management of hospital scientific and technological archives should be directed towards the healthy development of standardized management. This article starts from the actual work, discusses the hospital science and technology file management methods and development ideas.
藤类78 .大血藤  [基原考订 ] 大血藤科植物大血藤Sargentodoxacuneata(Oliv .)Rehd .et.Wils.或木兰科植物棱枝五味子Schisan drahenryiClarke的藤茎。79 .小血藤  [原书异名 ] 钻骨风  [基原考订 ] 木兰科植物 藤类78 .大血
Background Pulmonary surfactant dysfunction may contribute to the development of ventilator induced lung injury (VILI). Tracheal gas insufflation (TGI) is a tec
以问题为基础的学习是一种新的教学方法 .在三年制大专的护药理学临床教学中,开展PBL教学尝试,采取组织教学、指出自学内容、自学讨论等步骤组织教学全过程.实践证明,PBL教学
我们1993年2月~1998年6月,应用生脉注射液与纳洛酮成功抢救镇静催眠类药物急性中毒46例,报告如下。1病例与方法1.1病例46例中男7例,女39例;年龄13~68岁,平均年龄30.5岁。中毒药物种类及剂量:来巴比妥3例,中毒量0.6~2.95g;安? W
Background The number of immunosupressed patients has increased in the past decades. Among them Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) is one of the leading bac
Cascades是北美第一家采用ATMOS新技术的公司,这种新技术可生产出与采用热风穿透干燥技术(TAD)相同质量的产品,同时由于比TA D能耗低,所以更绿色环保。尽管当初付出了很多艰辛,但迄