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加强办公厅的精神文明建设,核心是搞好秘书人员的思想道德建设。关键是要正确对待权、利、名,切实做到“三谋三不谋”:第一,谋策不谋权,做合格的参谋助手。谋策就是出思想、献计策、当参谋,围绕党的中心工作和领导思考问题的兴奋点,想大事、谋方略、提建议。在这个问题上,一定要把握好“度”:秘书人员谋策不决策;不是领导又要站在领导的角度想问题;贴近领导又不能以领导“身边人”自我标榜。这就要求坚持到位而不越位,进入角色又不混淆角色。在谋策 To strengthen the construction of spiritual civilization in the general office is to improve the ideological and moral construction of secretarial personnel. The key is to correctly handle the rights, interests and names, and earnestly achieve the goal of “seeking truth from facts”: First, to seek a solution without power and to be a qualified staff assistant. Seeking solutions is to think out, to offer advice and suggestions, to be a staff officer, to excite excitement around the work of the party’s center and thinking about leadership, to think of major issues, to make plans, and to make suggestions. On this issue, we must grasp the “degree”: the secretarial staff does not make policy decisions; not the leadership but also the leadership point of view to think about the problem; and close to the leadership can not lead the “people around” self-proclamation. This requires adherence to the position without getting offside, entering the role without confusing the role. In the plan