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  ⒈白羊座Aries (March 21 —April 20)
  白羊宝宝很激烈(intense),有一丢丢自私,但热血活力。可能是糟糕的室友(terrible roommates),但可以是魅力超群的演说家(excellent spokesmen)。
  展现人性善恶极致的剧(Shows that feature humans at their best and worst )白羊宝宝真是欲罢不能!还有,煽情剧(melodrama)一定不能少!爱得死去活来那种,么么,伦家最爱了。
  荐:《嘻哈帝国》Empire 《地球百子》The 100
  ⒉金牛座Taurus (April 21 —May 21)
  金牛座需要规则和秩序(order)给自己安全感(to feel secure)。他们干啥都慢慢哒(take their time),很怕改变。排队(waiting in line)绝对耐心到夺冠,但拍个照又紧张得要死(panic when they have to take a new pic)。那种要追好多年的剧(Long-running shows)最适合他们。
  荐:《生活大爆炸》The Big Bang Theory
  《法律与秩序:特殊受害者》Law & Order: SVU
  ⒌狮子座Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22)
  狮子座的人天生光芒四射(naturally give out light)。有领袖气质,喜欢在自己的领域里做王者(be the master of their domain)。有时候还很霸道总裁范儿(bossy)。他们喜欢看能从中得到建议和专业技能的剧。
  荐:《处女情缘》Jane the Virgin 《我本坚强》 Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
  ⒊双子座Gemini (May 22 — June 21)
  双子最受不了无聊了(with a very low tolerance for boredom),他们啥都懂,真的,啥都懂一丢丢(their knowledge can be characterized as "a little bit about a lot." )。做有的没的一定要找他们,要是搞研究还是表来烦他们咯。那种情节死去活来、过山车似的剧(shows with lots of twists and dramatic turns)最适合双子。
  荐:《权力的游戏》Game of Thrones
  《行尸走肉》The Walking Dead
  ⒋巨蟹座Cancer (June 22 — July 22)
  家庭对巨蟹来说太重要!他们有点多愁善感(nostalgic),有点情绪化(moody),还有点防备心(defensive)。他们适合看哪种剧捏?主角最好是宇宙中心式的强势角色(strong characters )。
  荐:《广告狂人》Mad Men
  《傲骨贤妻》The Good Wife
  6.处女座Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22)
  处女座绝对是奇葩异类:完美主义者(Perfectionists)、杞人忧天病(worriers)。他们细节控到死,所以如果需要个朋友修修刘海(getting bangs),一定找他们!!因为他们喜欢研究人!
  《大城小妞》Broad City
  《摩登家庭》Modern Family
  ⒎天秤座Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 22)
  喜欢独处,特懂放松。他们真的是极度迷人(desperately charming),风度翩翩(desperately charming),绝对是结婚的上等货(top marriage material)。他们喜欢看浪漫而引人深思的剧,还有猪脚像自己本人的剧!
  《吸血鬼日记》The Vampire Diaries
  ⒏天蝎座Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21)
  激烈,强势。他们内向的天性有时很神秘。别请天蝎做婚礼DJ,小心拐跑你的伴娘。那些双重人格的剧(Shows that feature a duplicitous main character)非常适合他们,他们喜欢那种表面平静克制(somebody who seems calm and collected),内心是一座火山的类型(volcanoes underneath)。
  《黑色孤儿》Orphan Black
  ⒐射手座Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
  视野宽广,爱自由如命(have a broad outlook and value freedom to choose for themselves),活泼好动(lively),对新环境适应力很强。爬梯上绝对是猪脚。喜欢的剧?生活随意,还有点黑色幽默的剧哦(whose humor might be a little dark)。
  荐:《无耻之徒》 Shameless
  《费城永远阳光灿烂》 It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
  ⒑摩羯座Capricorn (Dec. 22 —Jan. 20)
  没人比摩羯更顽强(tenacious)。他们不达目的不罢休,对自己初衷的投入度高达百分之一百万!!!(a million percent committed to their cause)。正因如此,他们非常成功,但他们难以忍受(have a low tolerance for)不拼尽全力的人(others who don’t give it their all)。他们兢兢业业,但也许不太适合做团队领袖。他们该看的剧,是那种猪脚(protagonists)永远永远永远都不放弃,历经磨炼终有所成的剧(go through hell to get what they want)。
  荐:《维京传奇》Vikings 《汉尼拔》Hannibal
  ⒒水瓶座Aquarius (Jan. 21 —Feb. 19)
  水瓶很叛逆(rebellious),很倔强(headstrong),情感控制狂。水瓶宝宝善解人意(understanding),做朋友棒棒哒,做老板也不会逼死人。适合水瓶的剧嘛,是那种神秘奇妙的剧(shows with mystery and intrigue),猪脚需要是解决问题小能手(problem solvers)。
  荐:《美少女的谎言》 Pretty Little Liars
  《低俗怪谈》Penny Dreadful
  ⒓双鱼座(Feb. 20 — March 20)
  哎呀呀,谁能抵挡双鱼座的魅力捏?他们温柔(gentle)、善良(kind),还有点谦虛(modest)。他们充满了正能量,但也很需要鼓励。当然,内心戏多到爆!他们喜欢能唤起自己的同理心(empathy)和直觉(ntuitive nature)的剧。
  荐:《唐顿庄园》 Downton Abbey
21歲的罗马尼亚裔画家Cassandra Calin,画了一系列漫画——“女孩子家的日常”!每张都戳中女生的心理!
I’m Claire Morgan of the Times Square Alliance①and, as you all can see, the ball has stopped half way to its perch②. It’s suspended③ there to remind us before we pop the champagne④ and celebrate⑤ the
You are only here temporarily①, but most of the atoms in your body are forever. We will deal with the tiny exception at the end of the answer, but let’s look at what happens to most of you:  You die.
Outside Luoyang toward the east and west, The people say good-bye and start to go. When I left here, the snow was like the blooms; When I come back, the blooms are like the snow.  洛陽城东西,长作经时别。昔去雪如花,今来
◆Donald Trump collected bottles  The president-elect and billionaire①real-estate mogul grew up wealthy, but he says his father wanted him to learn the value of money early on.  ◆唐纳德·特朗普捡瓶子  刚当选总统的亿万富翁
It’s not for her spread-eagled① body that has a claim to remembrance, But the breeze outside the night window under the crescent② moon. Now add more incense to comfort my slumber③ in solitude. My sorr
Here’s to the crazy ones:  the misfi ts①,  the rebels②,  the troublemakers③,  the round pegs④ in the square holes,  the ones who see things differently.  They are not fond of⑤ rules.  They have no res
Ajin is a rare comic work for it has mixed together the elements of special role set, action, suspense and fantasy. A talented high school student Nagai Kyu was killed by a truck and back to life mira
The fathomless① sea and heaven I do not want,  Nor do I wish to fl y a giant kite  To catch the upper wind from every side;  I only want a moment,  I only want a gleam of light,  I only want a crevice
Most of all those fugitive① roses  That on the day they are born,  That very day, must also die.  Eternal, for them, the light of day:  They’re born when the sun is already high  And die before Apollo