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我县地处闽北山区。近年来,随着欧鳗养殖的迅速发展与规模的不断扩大,各种管理上的失误所造成的损失越来越大,其中欧鳗在土池越冬发生急性死亡事件,就是这一方面的典型例子;为探讨、分析这一原因,笔者通过近两年来,对发生这一事故现场的调整与了解,采用综合解救措施, My county is located in northern Fujian mountains. In recent years, with the rapid development of European eel farming and the continuous expansion of scale, various management mistakes caused by the increasing losses, including European eels in the pond overwintering acute deaths, is a typical example in this regard ; To explore and analyze this reason, the author through the past two years, the scene of the accident occurred to adjust and understand the use of comprehensive rescue measures,
A new-type underwater non-dispersible concrete admixture NDA was prepared,its function mechanism was analyzed,and C40 high performance non-dispersible underwate
红脖子病又名大脖子病,对各种规格的鳖都有危害,尤其对成鳖的危害最为严重。该病的发病率高,一般死亡率在 20%~ 30%,最高可达 60%。  该病的病原——嗜水气单胞菌是一种条件致病菌,
The components of expansive soil were analyzed with EDAX, and it is shown that the main contents of expansive soil in the northern Hubei have some significant e
A preparation technology of chloride contaminated resistant concrete was presented. The newly developed non-steady-state migration test method was employed for
大口鲶,又称南方大口鲶 (Silurus meridionds Chen),俗称大河鲶,是我国长江流域中重要的大型经济鱼类。其具有个体大 (最大的可达 40公斤 )、鲜嫩味美、骨间刺少、肉质细腻等特