在经济下行、资本寒冬的当下,互联网生意的玩法已经走不通了,属于屌丝的免费经济时代正在翻篇,强调转化和毛利、赚有钱人的钱开始成为创业主旋律,消费升级的时代到来了。消费升级面临新的机遇及挑战,看似广阔的市场,究竟是借势突破,还是切入细分。对于这场消费升级的新型蜕变,在8月24日“WISE x新消费”行业沙龙上,到场嘉宾分别从自己的视角提出了不同的见解。
In the current economic downturn, the winter capital nowadays, the Internet business has been unable to play the game, belongs to the free economy era is turning over articles, emphasizing the transformation and profit margins, the rich money began to become the entrepreneurial melody, the era of consumer upgrades . Spending upgrades are facing new opportunities and challenges. Seemingly vast market, whether it is to break through the opportunities, or cut into subdivisions. For this new transformation of consumption escalation, in the August 24 “WISE x new consumer ” industry salon, guests were from different perspectives put forward different views.