Snapping turtle also known as small alligator turtles, native to North and Central America, the current artificial breeding in China has been successful. Its flesh rate ranks turtle first, up 85% -89%. Snapping turtles average annual weight gain of 0.55-1.1 kg, is several times the normal turtle, now its farming techniques are as follows: Snapping turtle habits Snapping turtle in 3-45 degrees Celsius water temperature can be living, 20-30 degrees Celsius most Active, the fastest growing 28-31 degrees Celsius, hibernation below 15 degrees Celsius, minus 5 degrees Celsius in the ice in the water is not frozen to death, 1 degree Celsius can be over winter. Snapping turtles like habitat in a quiet environment, food is more complex, like eating water animals and aquatic plants, also eat on the shore of small animals, fresh grass leaves and flowers and fruits. Crocodile feeding artificial feed are: fresh fish shrimp, snails, mussels, insects, earthworms, silkworm pupa, maggots, yellow