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为了研究水分对褐煤微观特性的影响,采用低温真空干燥的方式对褐煤进行处理得到水分含量不同的褐煤,并对实验的3种煤样进行比表面积及孔径分析、自燃倾向性分析、原位红外光谱分析,结果表明:随着煤样水分的增大,煤样的最可几孔径逐渐增大,煤样的孔体积、比表面积和微分孔体积等表征煤样孔隙特征的参数与最可几孔径均有密不可分的联系;随着煤样水分的增大,煤样的物理吸氧量逐渐减小,减缓程度逐渐降低,煤样自燃倾向性加强,由Ⅱ类转向Ⅰ类;煤样中羟基、羧基及醚键会随着水分含量的降低而逐渐降低。 In order to study the effect of moisture on the microscopic characteristics of lignite, lignite was treated by low temperature vacuum drying to obtain lignite with different moisture content. Three kinds of coal samples were tested for specific surface area and pore size analysis, propensity to spontaneous combustion, The results show that the most probable pore diameter of coal sample increases with the increase of water content of coal sample. The pore volume, specific surface area and differential pore volume of coal sample characterize the pore characteristics of coal sample and the most probable With the increase of coal moisture, the physical oxygen absorption of coal samples gradually decreased, the degree of mitigation gradually decreased, and the spontaneous combustion tendency of coal samples increased from Class Ⅱ to Class Ⅰ. In coal samples Hydroxyl, carboxyl and ether bonds decrease with decreasing moisture content.
目的 观察应用“三明治”教学模式在《内科护理学》临床见习中对护生批判性思维能力、护患沟通能力的影响及教学的效果。方法 选取某大学2014级护理本科生为研究对象,采用便