5月份,中国经济继续沿着今年以来整体向好的态势运行,工业创1998年以来月度增长新高,出口增长也呈现近一年半来的最好态势。5月份,全国工业完成工业增加值2617亿元,同比增长12. 9%,增速比上月加快0.8个百分点,是1998年以来增速最 高的月份。1-5月累计,完成工业增加值11680亿元,同比 增长11.6%,为全年保持工业生产的较快增长奠定了基础。
In May, the economy of China continued to move along the overall good track this year. The industry recorded a monthly high growth since 1998, and the export growth also showed the best trend in nearly a year and a half. In May, the industrial added value of China’s industrial enterprises reached 261.7 billion yuan, an increase of 12.9% over the same period of previous year, an acceleration of 0.8 percentage points from the previous month, the highest growth rate since 1998. From January to May, the industrial added value was 1.168 trillion yuan, an increase of 11.6% over the same period of last year, laying a solid foundation for maintaining a relatively rapid growth of industrial production throughout the year.