The fourth part of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea “Islands State ” provides for the archipelagic waters system, but there is no clear stipulation on whether the archipelago system can be applied to the ocean-going islands of mainland countries. By examining and analyzing the preparations for the drafting of the Convention, it was found that the Convention’s avoidance of this issue was influenced by political and diplomatic factors rather than by lack of relevant factual and legal basis. In practice, many mainland countries set a straight-line baseline for their offshore islands through national legislation, and the relevant legislation in some countries has also been recognized by other countries. In recent years, some mainland countries have not been opposed by other countries on the outer continental shelf limit proposal submitted on the basis of their oceanic straight-line baseline. This shows that the mainland countries are applying the linear baseline in the ocean islands more and more by the international community. Although it can not be concluded at this stage that the continental countries have applied the straight-line baseline in the oceanic archipelago to the conclusion of the rules of customary international law, the current state practice shows this trend of development.