年轻恒牙外伤在儿童中的发病率较高,不仅会影响儿童的咀嚼、美观、发音,还会影响其心理健康.牙折发生后不恰当的治疗时机和方法均会产生长期的不良后果.因此,对牙折采取及时有效的治疗措施尤为重要.而且不同类型的牙折,其治疗方法和预后也各不相同.本文就年轻恒牙牙折的分类、治疗及预后作一综述.“,”Epidemiology of traumatic dental injuries ( TDIs) indicates that these injuries are more prevalent in child. TDIs have significant negative influence on the esthetic, speech and psychology of children. Different types of tooth fracture should be treated with different measures and may have different prognosis. Although tooth fracture is not the most severe form of TDIs with respect to other types of traumatic injuries, the delayed care following a traumatic in-jury and the suboptimal management may compromise long-term outcomes. It is important to take timely and appropri-ate treatment for tooth fracture. This article mainly reviews the classification, management and prognosis of tooth frac-ture in primary and permanent teeth in light of the recent literature.