关于印发《对修订职工住宅、宿舍建筑标准的几项意见》(试行稿)的通知国家基本建设委员会 (73)建发设字第748号各省、市、自治区建委(基建局),国务院各部基建局(组): 现将《对修订职工住宅、宿舍建筑标准的几项意见》(试行稿)发给你们,在试行中有什么补充修改意见,请及时告诉我们。国家基本建设委员会一九七三年十一月三十日
Notice on Printing and Distributing the “Several Opinions on Amendments to the Standards for Employees’ Houses and Dormitories” (Trial Version) National Basic Construction Committee (73) Jianshe Zhai Zi No. 748 Provincial, Municipal and Autonomous Region Construction Committee (Infrastructure Construction Bureau), Infrastructure of the State Council Bureau (Group): We will now send to you several opinions on the revision of standards for employees’ residences and dormitory buildings (trial draft). If there are any additional amendments on the trial, please let us know in time. National Infrastructure Commission November 30, 1973