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当代作家迟子建的文学作品以自然清新之气在文坛上独树一帜,短篇小说《雾月牛栏》是其杰出的代表作。本文从叙述视域:自然景致的着意呈现;叙述视角:儿童视角和傻子视角相结合;叙述主体:精神世界的自然人三方面解析迟子建小说对于自然灵性世界的建构,对纯真自然人性的追求,从而深入探究作家的创作意蕴。 The contemporary writer Chi Zijian’s literary work is unique in the literary arena with its natural freshness. The short story Foggy Months Bullpen is an outstanding masterpiece. The narrative perspective: the combination of children’s perspectives and idiots perspectives; the narrative subject: the natural world of spiritual world analyzes the construction of the natural spiritual world by Chi Zijian’s novels and the pursuit of pure natural humanity from three aspects: , In order to explore the author’s creative meaning.