Longan ghost broom disease in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places longan producing areas generally occur, a serious threat to the production of longan. From May 1995, funded by Zhongshan Science and Technology Commission of Guangdong Province, Prof. He Pingping from Huanan Agricultural University Horticulture Department, Zeng Meiling, Zhongshan Fruit Production and Management Office Zhou Pei-Pei, Lin Senxin, Sha Jianzhen Peng Jianxing, Li Jiayuan and Huang Weenwen After more than 3 years of research, we found a longan pest mites. After that, Professor Kuang Haiyuan, a mite mite expert from Nanjing Agricultural University, was identified as a new pest-longan mite. After several years of grafting, pruning, picking insects, spraying and other series of tests to confirm the damage caused by longan scabies is the leading factor in longan ghost broom disease, and the occurrence of longan scab mites harm