
来源 :中国地方病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:angel455029998
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目的 确定贝尔湖附近牧区是否是病区,搞清病情现状及摄氟来源。方法 现况流行病学调查,按Dean氏法调查8~12岁儿童氟斑牙患病情况;检查30岁以上成年人氟骨症患病情况;用氟离子选择电极法测定儿童尿氟、饮水氟、奶茶氟及砖茶氟含量,入户调查饮奶茶量,计算人均日饮奶茶摄氟量。结果 宝东和贝尔2个调查点儿童氟斑牙患病率分别为58.65%和66.00%;成人X线氟骨症检出率分别为39.33%和31.46%,以轻度和中度为主;饮水含氟量均值分别为4.37 mg/L和4.12 mg/L;奶茶氟含量均值分别为5.80 mg/L和5.88 mg/L;人均日饮奶茶摄氟量分别为8.70mg和9.50 mg。结论 贝尔湖附近牧区是以饮水型为主的饮水饮茶混合型病区;饮水含氟量和奶茶含氟量及儿童尿含氟量均较高,达到重病区水平,但儿童氟斑牙和成人氟骨症相对较轻,其原因有待进一步研究。 Objective To determine whether the pasturing area near Bell Lake is a ward, to find out the status quo of the disease and sources of fluoride exposure. Methods Epidemiological survey of the current situation, according to Dean’s method to investigate the prevalence of dental fluorosis in children aged 8 to 12 years; Check the prevalence of skeletal fluorosis in adults over the age of 30; Determination of urinary fluoride in children with fluoride ion selective electrode method, drinking water Fluorine, milk tea fluorine and brick tea fluorine content, household survey drink milk tea volume, calculate the per capita daily milk tea intake fluorine amount. Results The prevalence rates of dental fluorosis were 58.65% and 66.00% respectively in two survey sites of Baodong and Baer. The detection rates of skeletal fluorosis in adults were 39.33% and 31.46% respectively, with slight and moderate prevalence; The average fluoride content in drinking water was 4.37 mg / L and 4.12 mg / L, respectively. The average fluoride content in milk tea was 5.80 mg / L and 5.88 mg / L, respectively. Per capita fluoride content in milk tea was 8.70 mg and 9.50 mg, respectively. Conclusion The pasture near Bell Lake is a drinking-drinking mixed ward with drinking water as its main drinking water. The content of fluorine in drinking water, fluoride content in milk tea and children’s fluoride content in urine are both higher than those in children with severe dental fluorosis. However, Adult skeletal fluorosis is relatively light, the reason remains to be further studied.
由于经济部类在续志中的篇幅有所增加 ,再加上首届修志在这方面存在着不少需要改进的地方 ,因而对这一部类的编纂有所继承和创新是必要的。本文认为续志经济部类采用版块式记
石台子高句丽山城自发现以来 ,其城名的考证就始终是大家最为关心的问题。本文通过对前贤诸说的考辨 ,认为目前几种说法都有值得商榷的地方 ,并在此基础上 ,对史料详加分析 ,
总结第一轮修志和续修的经验 ,提出统计表在志书中的 4个作用 ;通过对审稿中发现带有共性问题的典型表例进行分析点评 ,提出编制统计表的 7项原则 ,意在讨论规范统计表编制原