五月的北京,风和日丽,花团锦簇,生机盎然,以她最亮丽的风景迎来了参加2000年京台科技合作研讨洽谈会的200余名京台两地科技界、企业界人士。5月7日,北京国际饭店热闹喜庆,2000年京台科技合作研讨洽谈会在这里隆重召开。中共中央政治局委员、北京市委书记贾庆林,国务院台湾事务办公室主任陈云林等到会祝贺。 彰明政策 促进合作 北京市副市长张茅在开幕式致辞中热情洋溢地说,北京和台湾在发展高新技术产业方面有着共同发展的广阔前景和优势互补的有利条件。北京科技资源、智力资源和信
In May, Beijing, with its beautiful scenery and flourishing life, welcomed over 200 scientific and technological circles and businesspeople from Beijing and Taiwan participating in the 2000 Beijing-Taiwan scientific and technological cooperation seminar with her most beautiful scenery. May 7, Beijing International Hotel, lively, 2000 Beijing-Taiwan scientific and technological cooperation seminar held here. Jia Qinglin, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, and Chen Yunlin, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, wait until the congratulation. Zhang Ming, Vice Mayor of Beijing Municipality, warmly stated in his speech at the opening ceremony that Beijing and Taiwan share the broad prospects for common development and the favorable conditions for complementarity in the development of high-tech industries. Beijing science and technology resources, intellectual resources and letters