
来源 :内蒙古农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blackfairy
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旱作农业,也叫雨养农业,非灌溉农业,是指在干旱或无灌溉条件下,采取一系列技术措施,从事种植业的一种农业生产。克旗大部分土地属于干旱山区,年蒸发量大于降水量的4倍以上,60%以上的耕地几乎常常受到干旱的威胁,种植业生产特别是粮食生产长期低而不稳。因此,搞好旱作农业,对种植业特别是粮食生产的稳定增长举足轻重。 Dry farming, also known as rainfed agriculture, non-irrigated agriculture, refers to a series of technical measures taken in arid and / or non-irrigated conditions to undertake an agricultural production in the farming industry. Most of the land in Keqi belongs to the arid mountainous area. The annual evaporation is more than 4 times of the precipitation. Over 60% of the arable land is almost always threatened by drought. The production of crops, especially the long-term low and unstable grain production. Therefore, doing a good job of dry farming has played a decisive role in the steady growth of the planting industry, especially grain production.
刘铁峰(右二)为村民宣讲党的政策  对村里的75户贫困户,刘铁峰因户施策,通过医疗救助、产业扶持、安排就业、结对帮扶等措施,有针对性地解决贫困难题。2017年,火石山村部分村民种植木耳、有机小米,却因交通不便、信息不畅影响了销路,造成大量木耳、有机小米积压。刘铁峰了解情况后,发动身边战友、亲戚朋友等,积极推销小米、木耳。截至目前,火石山村小米、木耳销售金额合计约40万元,村集体经济增收3.69万元