Towards an Esox lucius inspired multimodal robotic fish

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vivien2009
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In this paper, we further explore multimodal locomotion via an updated robotic fish model based on Esox lucius. Besides the improved actuation properties like higher torque servomotors and powerful electronics,the robotic fish has some innovative mechanical design to pursue diverse swimming modes and superior performance. Specifically, we introduced a ±50° yawing head joint that functions as the neck for enhancing turning ability. A pair of pectoral mechanisms with two DOFs per fin is constructed to achieve 3-D swimming and to enrich multiple pectoral motions. At the control level, an improved central pattern generator(CPG) model allowing for free adjustment of the phase relationship among outputs is employed to produce rhythmic signals of multimodal swimming. Extensive experiments were carried out to examine how characteristic parameters in CPGs including amplitude, frequency, and phase lag affect the swimming performance. As a result, the robotic fish successfully performed various locomotion actions such as forward swimming, backward swimming, turning, diving, surfacing, as well as three pectoral motions in the form of pitching, heaving, and heaving-pitching.We found that small phase lag between oscillating joints which means large propulsive body wave length and undulation width could lead to a faster swimming in body and/or caudal fin(BCF) locomotion. In this paper, we further explore multimodal locomotion via an updated robotic fish model based on Esox lucius. The robotic fish has some innovative mechanical design to pursue diverse swimming modes and superior performance. Specifically, we introduced a ± 50 ° yawing head joint that functions as the neck for enhancing turning ability. A pair of pectoral mechanisms with two DOFs per fin is constructed to achieve 3-D swimming and to enhance multiple pectoral motions. At the control level , an improved central pattern generator (CPG) model permit for free adjustment of the phase relationship among outputs is employed to produce rhythmic signals of multimodal swimming. Extensive experiments were carried out to examine how characteristic parameters in CPGs including amplitude, frequency, and phase lag affect the swimming performance. As a result, the robotic fish successfully performed various locomotion actions such as forward swimming, backward swimming, turning, diving, surfacing, as well as three pectoral motions in the form of pitching, heaving, and heaving-pitching. We found that small phase lag between oscillating joints which means large propulsive body wave length and undulation width could lead to a faster swimming in body and / or caudal fin (BCF) locomotion.
摘要:物理实验是实现传授宗旨的一条基本门径,是学生对物理认识、操作技能和发展非智力因素的重要途径。本文就如何检验中学生会做物理实验的做法作一些初步的探讨。  关键词:检验;实验;看法  中图分类号:G633.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2015)11-0063  物理实验是实现传授宗旨的一条基本门径,是学生对物理认识、操作技能和发展非智力因素的门径要塞。在学生想做实验与敢做实
面齿轮传动系统质量较轻、负载能力好、传动比大,因而被重点应用在航空设备中尤其是直升机领域,此外面齿轮的工作状态极为复杂,噪声和振动问题是面齿轮研究设计中的重中之重。因此对考虑更多参数激励源的面齿轮传动动力学模型进行分析,具有重要的理论意义和实际的工程价值。本文基于Bond gragh理论,建立了包含齿面摩擦系数的面齿轮传动系统模型和轴支撑模型。然后基于Block闪温理论和Hertz基础理论,分析了
摘 要:随着我国经济的快速发展,人们对铁路建设提出了新的要求。为了控制铁路项目的建设成本,我们必须在建设前预算和管理铁路的成本。只有这样,铁路建设才能顺利进行,建设的进度也才能得到保障。本文首先介绍了铁路建设成本控制和管理的重要性,阐述了铁路建设阶段造价成本的现状。最后,提出了铁路建设阶段成本控制与管理的相关措施。  关键词:铁路施工;成本造价;管理与控制  中图分类号:U215.1 文献标识码: