变矩器、变速箱是装载机的心脏部分,它的密封性能,愈来愈引起广泛的注意。一般来说泄漏分两大类; 一类是以骨架旋轴油封为代表的外泄漏,如装在变矩器输入轴,变速箱前后动力输出轴上的油封均属此类。二类是以密封环为代表的内泄漏,它又可分两种情况,一种是往复运动密封环的内泄漏。另一种则是旋转运动密封环的内泄漏。如装在变速箱换档活塞上的密封环属往复运动,装在变矩器导轮座处和变速箱二档油缸进油口处的密封属旋转运动。
Torque converter, transmission is the heart of the loader part, its sealing performance, more and more aroused widespread attention. In general, leakage is divided into two categories; one is the external leakage represented by the skeleton shaft seal, such as the oil seal installed on the torque converter input shaft, transmission front and rear power output shaft. The second category is the seal ring as the representative of the internal leakage, which can be divided into two situations, one is reciprocating seal ring leakage. The other is the inner leakage of the rotating seal ring. If installed in the gear shift piston piston ring is a reciprocating motion, installed in the torque converter guide wheel seat and the transmission gearbox oil inlet seal is a rotary motion.