Chinese Mainstream of Economy Is Not Overheated

来源 :中国对外贸易:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dewuwangwo
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The economic growth of Chinese economy has kept 7% for a long time, however, many post-industrial countries' economic growth are 2.5%. So it is estimated that the economic aggregate will approach or surpass that of US in the year of 2046. Recently, at
【正】 丘羽在《戏剧理论的活动天地》(载《文艺研究》85.3)一文中认为,戏剧的结构系统存在着三个层次。对戏剧艺术内部组成的分析,很长时间内没有从一个完整的结构系统着眼,
【正】 “戏剧冲突”论本来是欧洲话剧的理论,自介绍到我国之后,被原封不动的引进了戏曲领域。但是只要认真考察一下,便不难发现这个理论并不完全符合戏曲的特点,用以指导戏
<正>Guangdong herbal tea has become the top selling beverage in the southern Chinese province, beating international beverage giant Coca-Cola firmly into second
<正>United is the only U.S. carrier connecting Pearl River Delta Region to offer customers SkyPier ferry service and pier-side check-in. United Airlines is the
<正>The Italy Pavilion on November 10 unveiled its exhibition plan at the 2010 World Expo,which will feature craft,luxury cars,fashion and famous paintings.Ital
【正】 当导演与演员第一次阅读《沉浮》这个剧本的时候,我们仅仅从感性上喜欢它,觉得这个剧本主题新颖,故事情节曲折,刻划了几个活生生的人物,作者没有那么多条条框框,是一
【正】 为培养戏剧理论和评论人材,加强戏剧理论研究和戏剧评论工作的队伍建设,经中央文化部批准,我院戏剧文学系于今年秋季举办戏剧理论进修班。这个班的招生范围是华东、中
The Ministry of Finance, National General Bureau of Tax have issued a notice saying that difference between right-exercise price and fair market price should be
【正】 《戏剧艺术》编辑部:塑造老一代无产阶级革命家的光辉艺术形象,是全国人民的共同心愿,更是我们话剧团同志们的迫切愿望。从去年开始,我们团就着手准备工作了,团里没有