John Frankenheimer (1930-), along with Sidney Lymett, Franklin Schaffner, and Delbert Mann, belong to the “Golden Age of Television,” a generation who directed “The 90 Theater ”and“ this month’s DuPont Shaw program ”and other television series. When the live broadcast of the New York television program stars began to bleak, these people turned to Hollywood and directed many of the same gleaming dramatic theatricals. Most of the screenplay, often with more dialogue, comes from screenwriters such as Chayewski, Inch, Salin, Vidal, and Axelrod, both directors of television and post-war Broadway. The best of them quickly adapted their talent to the original medium of the film while retaining the beneficial elements of their original style. Among those who succeeded in making this transition, Franklin Heimer appeared to be his on-the-ground feature filming of television experiences such as “Manchurian Candidates” and “Seven Days in May” ) Made a meaningful contribution to the success. In the early 1960s, the American film world was in poor condition, and Franconian Heimer seemed to give the French a fairly predictable example of his research. Although he did not mention the term “new wave”, he refers to the creation of film critics and directors such as Godard, Truvoul and Chabrol. Unfortunately, although the overall level of American film criticism may have increased since 1964, the creative interaction he has described in this article between directors and film critics has so far failed.