自从迈拓(Maxtor)成功收购昆腾(Quantum)硬盘事业部之后,迈拓俨然已成为IDE硬盘领域的龙头老大。为了进一步巩固其地位,迈拓深知掌握标准就是把握市场,因此Maxtor联合VIA提出Ultra ATA 133传输标准。我们今天介绍的金钻七代(DiamondMax Plus D740X)就是一款支持ATA 133标准的产品。
Since Maxtor’s successful acquisition of Quantum’s hard drive business, Maxtor has become a leader in IDE drives. In order to further consolidate its position, Maxtor know that the standard is to grasp the market, so VIA proposed Maxtor Ultra ATA 133 transmission standard. The DiamondMax Plus D740X we introduced today is a product that supports the ATA 133 standard.